Monday, January 26, 2015

Mary's 2nd Birthday

Can't believe it's been two years since I first held this special little girl.  i just love her so much.  Her first year of life was a bit of a doozy for us, but she's developed into the most deep, tender, and still a little concerned little children on the planet.  She's just got these old-soul eyes and these beautiful long eyelashes and the gurgly voice which she used to ask very serious questions- oh so many questions.  She's a little OCD and it's kinda funny.  She loves her sisters a LOT.  She's also pretty independent and likes to do her own thing and doesn't seem to need a lot of approval from us thank you very much.  She's just got her own thing going on.  

This morning I told her it was her birthday and her first response was "cake?!" and I was like, YEAH, special birthday cake! And we made gluten free pumpkin pancakes.  Dyed pink with sprinkles on top.  She thought it was pretty special and knew just what to do with the candles:)  We also refreshed our pink sparkle nail polish and made birthday crowns.  We will be celebrating more this weekend, but I think she felt special today:)

1 comment:

Heather Allebes Phillips said...

Love this - that's some great crazy hair (pre-water spritz & bow)