Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Madeleine Albright

On Monday, Evan and I had the wonderful opportunity to hear from Mrs. Albright. It was fantastic. what happened was that we were thinking that, while we are still on vacation (Evan doesn't start work for another two weeks), we should take advantage of some of the cool things about DC. One of the things we decided to do was try to get into some cool university lectures. Both Evan and I loved attending these at BYU, and I miss university life sometimes- all those great minds surrounding you etc. So we asked our friend David (who is in the Georgetown Masters of Foreign Service program) if he knew of any cool lectures going on and if we could get in to any of them.

Turned out David's boss Madeleine Albright happened to be speaking this week and he got us awesome front row seats. With our names on them and everything. I mention this part because I am always the one NOT sitting in the special seats.

I. LOVED. IT. We metro-ed over to Roslyn on the blue line (which is just one block from us) and then took the free shuttle bus to campus. The event was held here in Gaston Hall. Which was so pretty. I LOVE old buildings. I secretly wish I had grown up as one of the student characters from Dead Poet's Society.

The speech she gave was mostly about her new book titled "Read My Pins" containing her personal antidotes of her experiences as Secretary of State. Really great 20 minute talk. Then a 40 minute question/answer session that was equally enjoyable. I really love her. She makes me want to be more informed about international relations. To that end, we purchased one of her books called "Memo to the President Elect" which I am learning a lot from. I love the way she writes- at least in this book, she is very conversational. I am not the best reader, but this book, while very informative, is easy to follow. Great Day!

1 comment:

NEC said...

hooray! update!