Celebrated Christmas in NM
Visited Evan Hometown of Philly
Hung out with Rachel While I was there
Got to see BEN FRANKLIN'S grave (I love him)
Went back to DC to sign a lease on an apartment
FOUND an awesome apartment
It's brand new one block away from Pentagon City metro stop
I love it and can't wait to decorate it
Stayed with my favorite girl Nikki
Did Bikrem (steam room) Yoga with her for the week
Fell in love with it and now need Evan to be rich so I can afford it one day
Saw "It's Complicated" with Nikki and loved it
Had lunch at the lovely Nordstrom bistro in Arlington with the lovely Torrey
Got my wedding dress from JCrew that I like lots (my fav color to wear- light gray!)
Got Evan's suit and had it fitted- looks fab
Cut Evan's hair twice
Did a ton of chemical peeling stuff to my face- I think I suffer from a placebo effect
Wedding Planning
Survived Ev being gone in SanFran for a week for Kiva (his work)
Saw my mission President and his lovely Wife (they visited me in NM today)
And then today I found this exciting cover. I love Architectural Digest and I love Jennifer Aniston. I am going to buy it because Evan won't let me read the rag mags anymore and plus I feel more classy having people see me reading this magazine. I will let you know how it goes...
I am so excited to have you in my city soon! I have been doing lots of bikram and can't wait for you to join me!!
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