Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thanksgiving/DC Trip

The last two weeks have been so jam packed! Thanksgiving was great! We:

-Spent it with my family who all came out to Pleasant grove at Eric and Nat's house

-Ate a lot of food

-tried on Mom's wedding dress and Oma's head piece(for me to wear when we get married)- loved it all!

-Had our announcement shots taken at Sundance by my awesome photographer uncle, Brian Mealey ( I get the prints this weekend! YAY

-Went Rock Climbing at the Quarry with the whole family- very fun!

-Watched the BYU/U game- very exciting/nerve racking

-Went to a performance of Handel's Messiah at Abravenel Hall in SLC

Dad and Me

I belayed Evan

Evan on the Wall

Then, last weekend, we were in DC where we:
-Met his Mom and Sister (very nice, smarter than I am types)

-Stayed with our friends Torrey and David who conveniently live four doors down from one another

-Hung out in his awesome hotel suit at the Hotel Monaco in DC (very neat hotel- kinda funky/lux- loved it )
-Forgot the memory card to my camera so we got zero pictures
-Went to a Wizards/Raptors game in his company's box and met some very interesting/cool people
-Went apartment hunting in Bethesda and found some great places right near BCG and the metro and several yoga studios (yay!)
-Went to dinner with BCGers at Zengo- a cool Asian fusion food place

-Went to lunch with nikki at a French bistro on the hill and got a tour from her (ie we had chatty time on the house floor)

-Went to delightful dessert place called Buzz ( ) with David and ate little pies (one chocolate orange and one lemon cream)

-Went to lunch with Nikki and David at this great Belgian bakery on Capitol hill called Le Pain Quotidien ( ) which was my favorite part of the trip

-Got snowed on terribly by a freak snow storm on Saturday

-Went to church with Torrey and David and Evan's mom Mary-Louise

-Flew back to SLC just in time (ie we arrived after the opening prayer) for the LDS Christmas devotional

-Cried during President Monson's airport story (just me, not Evan)

-Saw the lights on Temple square. And froze (just me, not Evan)

Monday, November 30, 2009


Last week Evan and I took a trip to Denver. I had always dreamed of moving there and so I am really glad we got to make a trip out. We stayed at Becca and Justin's place. I got to play with his adorable nephews Riley and Jace, go to Riley's 1st grade Thanksgiving play, take little Jacey to the park, go to Main street in downtown Fort Collins, the REI flagship store (where I bought a camelpak/backpack for only $25!), the museum of natural history, explore downtown Denver, and eat a lot of food. A lot. Evan got to watch Little Women for the first time and he was very distraught over the whole Lauri/Joe/Professor Behr saga. It was so nice of Justin and Becca to let us crash at their place! I love his family.
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Saturday, November 14, 2009

YAY! We're Legit! (Sorta)

So Last night Evan proposed. It was up at Sundance where we met and it was lovely. Later that night we came back to my place and watched 'The Proposal' with Sandra Bullock. We really liked it. Go rent it from yoour local redbox. Then we took this picture and I went to bed.
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Monday, November 2, 2009


A month ago I went on this amazing weekend camping trip with Evan. We drvoe down to zions on friday morning, set up camp at tis sweet trailer park and hiked both angels landing and the narrows. While we were there we cooked grilled cheese, sauseges, oatmeal and smores. It was fun. Then saturday we drove back.
Driving Down:

View from top of Angels Landing:

At the awesome trailer park filling up:

At the top of Angels Landing:

"Camp Site"

Cool bus tour:

Hiking the Narrows- cold!

Dry land!


Tuesday, September 8, 2009